Financial Peace University

Financial Peace University

“I am convinced that one of the greatest outreach ministries we do at church is Financial Peace University. Nothing makes us or messes with us quite like the way we handle our finances, and scripture addresses this many times. Dave Ramsey teaches a practical, do-able plan, that has made a difference in my life. The price has been lowered, the class streamlined from thirteen weeks to nine, and it is now 90 minutes instead of two hours. But by all accounts it is more practical and powerful than ever before.” ~ Pastor Clay Bowlin    

Sign up now for Financial Peace University at Northwest Bible Church

We will have a class on Wednesday Nights starting September 11, 2019 at 6:30 pm, facilitated by Tom & Cara Davis. 

Click on the link below and scroll down to Northwest Bible Church. Click on the Join button to sign up.

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The Truth About…

Now you can help Dave Ramsey combat the money myths that are so prevalent in our culture. Visit Dave’s Truth About articles:

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