Fellowship (koinonia)


Understanding Fellowship

Fellowship is the translation of the Bible word koinonia which is a term that comes from the root word for “common”.  It is used 22 times in the New Testament, including our key verse, Acts 2:42, where the church was continually devoted to it!  The term generally denotes the ideas of sharing, taking part in something, generosity, association, communion, close relationships or intimacy, virtually anything to do with having things in common.  Merrill Tenney defines it as “companionship, a relation in which parties hold something in common, a familiar interaction”.  The key idea is it is shared with each other At Northwest Bible Church, these close relationships are celebrated and encouraged.

Fellowship with each other involves several things.

  • It involves close association between two or more believers in Christ.
  • It involves participation and teamwork (Phil. 1:5).
  • It involves giving, and it involves hospitality (Rom. 12:13).
  • It involves generosity, God calls His church to give generously and meet needs for each other (2 Cor. 8-9; Acts 2:42-47).
  • It means sharing in struggles and helping each other grow (Heb. 10:24-25; 13:16).
  • It involves closeness and real friendships.

Fellowship and Membership

At Northwest Bible Church we believe that a person who is committed to be part of the church fellowship expresses it by church membership.

  • A person who is a church member has declared they have a relationship with Jesus Christ, and are truly family with every other believer in the church!
  • They have declared they are on the same page in Bible doctrine, and one in purpose with the church body.
  • And they have made a commitment to take part in the fellowship, to make a real investment in people’s lives.
  • Membership is the commitment to be part of the fellowship, and follow the leadership of the Elders set apart by the body.
  • Would you join Northwest Bible Church?

How to Become a Member of the Church

We hope you’ll want to join us at Northwest Bible Church!  Several times a year we have membership classes with Pastor Clay.  To become a member, you’ll need to read our church Constitution, and especially our Statement of Faith.  The thing that unites us is that we are on the same page in our beliefs of the basic Bible truths.  Then fill out our Membership Application and turn it in to Pastor Clay.  You can obtain these documents at church.  If you have questions, call Pastor Clay Bowlin at 741-0670 or email him.

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