Impact Student Ministries

Impact Student Ministries

Thanks for taking a minute to check out the Senior High youth ministry of Northwest Bible Church! Our theme verse is 1 Peter 3:15, the mission is to train up our young people so that they have solid Biblical foundation based off of truth, knowledge, and gentleness . That when they leave church they have the tools they need to stand up for their faith and be able to give a defense of why they believe what they believe.

We meet on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm to study God’s Word together. Wednesday nights provide a time for students to receive more topical lessons and how to address difficult and challenging issues in their lives. Sunday Mornings are an in depth expository bible study.

  • Prayer—We have regular times of prayer in both of our meetings. We take prayer requests from the group to pray for each other throughout the week.
  • Fellowship—In addition to our weekly meetings, we also get together at different times during the month just to hang out and have fun. This includes activities like a Bowling Lock-In, Dodge Ball Tournament, KC Royals games, Laser Tag, Ice Skating, and other things.

And in everything we do, we stress evangelism as a way of life!!

In all we do as a group, our goal for all the youth is that they would have the attitude of the Apostle Paul in Philippians 3:7-8, “But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord!”

Tobias Welling is our youth pastor intern. Read his bio here.

Event Sign Up Form

Whenever we have upcoming youth events, the date, time, and details will be listed here. You can sign up using the form below. Thanks!

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