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Deacon Job Description



ACTS 6:3

Therefore, brethren, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task.”

1 TIM. 3:10

These men must also first be tested; Let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach”

1 TIM. 3:8-13

Deacons likewise must be men of dignity, not double-tongued, or addicted to much wine or fond of sordid gain, but holding to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. These men must also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons if they are beyond reproach. Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful I all things. Deacons must be husbands of only one wife, and good managers of their children and their own households. For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a high standing and great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus.”


The Board of Deacons serves under the Board of Elders to administer functions delegated by the Board of Elders. The Deacons shall assist the Pastor and Elders in responsibility for the spiritual welfare of the church.

The Deacon Board’s delegated responsibilities shall include but are not limited to:

Elect officers

Elect officers for the board (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary). Meet on a regular basis to discuss needs of the church. A monthly meeting with a chairman who makes a definite agenda, has a prayer time and leads the meeting with a view to assess in each of the areas of priority, what needs are there, what jobs do we need to do, and how can we be more effective. Secretary will take minutes of all meetings and make sure they are posted in the Sanctuary. No one Deacon speaks for the Deacon board. A go to person on the duties listed below will be assigned and communicated to the Elder board, the church staff and the congregation. That person should communicate actions items for their area at the meetings. Decisions need to be discussed in meetings and agreed upon before action is taken.

Clear communication

Clear communication back and forth between the Elders and Deacons. Required Semi-Annual formal meetings with the Elder board. Also communicate with the Pastors and staff regularly to assess needs of the church.

Regular attendance

Regular attendance at worship services. Praying for members, leaders and the pastors. Spending time in the Word.

Helping ministry

Helping ministry-be cognizant of the needs of church families especially the elderly. Keep contact with the congregation on a regular basis to see what needs they have and meet them.

Exterior maintenance

Exterior maintenance of the church and grounds including lawn care, upkeep of driveway, area around trash bins, snow removal, putting up banners when requested, keeping the play area repaired. A group of two or three to be up early if it snows on whether to cancel church. Consult with the Elder Chairman to make sure of agreement on final decision. Decision to be made no later than 7:00 am.

Interior maintenance

Interior maintenance including communicating with cleaning crew, assessing needs and supporting them. Governance of usage of the church building including reviewing and updating policies for building use and communicating the policies. Deacons assigned on premises during weddings and funerals. Have a workday, once or twice every year depending on needs, with a well-planned agenda, and supplied, communicated to the congregation a couple weeks before workday.

Hospitality, which would include greeters and ushers

One person scheduled to be the doorkeeper host on a Sunday. A second person should be assigned to assist, doesn’t have to be a deacon. They would be there at 9:00 am, plug in the coffee pot and make the other two pots of coffee set up by secretary, and pour each in the carafe. Deacons would greet the people as they arrive, and help anyone who has a handicap. They would stay in the foyer, walk the hall during the service, make sure the building is safe. After people leave on Sunday, empty and wash the coffee pots, make sure all the thermostats are back to empty building temperatures (A/C 80°, Heat 58°) Be sure all the doors are locked, lights are out and toilets are flushed.

Five ushers need to be assigned weekly. They are responsible for handing out bulletins, closing the sanctuary doors when service begins and collection of offering and communication slips.

Lord’s Supper

Deacons also assist the Pastor and Elders with the preparation and service of the Lord’s Supper when necessary.

Worship support

Worship support, sound, power point, helping with baptism. Communicate with people already involved in those things to see if they need help and support.


Finances – collect offering and count money, offer liaison and support to (Treasurer). Be the go-to people for confidential benevolence requests. Shopping for insurance and helping with major purchases such as the copier contract.


Oversee the upkeep of the Web Site, Church Directory and other administrative functions when necessary.


In order to develop people in their ministry roles, it is vitally important that deacons are provided with training, especially for those new to the position. Provide relevant resources (Job Description, detailed description of duties) as well as the communication and transferring of attitudes, competencies and knowledge needed for effective ministry.


Deacons are elected at the annual business meeting for a term of three years. After completing one three-year term, a deacon may not be re-elected to that office until the lapse of one year.

Agreed by Elder and Deacon Board September 25, 2018

Updated September 12, 2019

Replaces all prior Job Descriptions for Deacons

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